Earliest Record of Cæsarean Section
To the Editor, The Indian Medical Gazette. Sir,?In Faredoon Marzban's translation of ShahNamo, the great authentic Persian history and epic, the author, Firdausi, describes what is probably the first authentic record of a Csesarean section. This occurred in connection with the birth of Rustom, the Persian Hercules of a pre-historic age (about 5000 B.C.*). The passage runs as follows:? " The mother, Rodabe, not being able to effect delivery and being in great pain and danger of life, was operated on by a ' wise man ' on the advice of Shahmurg, the father of Zal. He (the 'wise man') made the mother unconscious by a stiff dose of wine, then made an incision in the abdomen and womb and delivered the" child, which was found to be abnoi'mal in size and weight. The wounds were stitched up and a herb applied, and they healed up very quickly. All were amazed at the result of such a delivery, a mode of delivery never before effected thus."?Yours, etc., R. K. WADIA, m.b., b.sc. 275, Bowbazar Street, Calcutta,